There have been changes in the occupation lists.
Five Legislative Instruments were registered on Sunday 10 March 2019 and commenced on the 11 March 2019.
New occupations were added to the occupation lists for General Skilled Migration scheme, Employer Nomination scheme, Temporary Skill Shortage visa, RSMS, Training visa and Temporary Graduate visa.
Some examples are below:
New Occupations for visa subclass 482 (TSS)
2 occupations were added to MLTSSL (Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List and 6 moved from STSOL (Short-term Skilled Occupation List) to MLTSSL. 16 occupations moved from STSOL to ROL (Regional Occupation List and 5 removed from STSOL. There are now new caveats for some occupations.
2 added to MLTSSL
telecommunications network planner 313213
pressure welder 322312
6 moved from STSOL to MLTSSL
arts administrator or manager – 139911
dancer or choreographer – 211112
music director- 211212
artistic director -212111
tennis coach- 452316
footballer- 452411
New occupations for subclasses 189, 190, 489 & 485
36 occupations were added to MLTSSL; 27 occupations were removed from the STSOL, 6 of which moved to the MLTSSL; 18 occupations added to the ROL;
36 occupations added to MLTSSL and as a result are now on the list applicable for subclass 189 visa
arts administrator or manager 139911 VETASSESS
environmental manager 139912 VETASSESS
dancer or choreographer 211112 VETASSESS
music director 211212 VETASSESS
musician (instrumental) 211213 VETASSESS
artistic director 212111 VETASSESS
statistician 224113 VETASSESS
economist 224311 VETASSESS
mining engineer (excluding petroleum) 233611 Engineers Australia
petroleum engineer 233612 Engineers Australia
engineering professionals (nec) 233999 Engineers Australia
chemist 234211 VETASSESS
food technologist 234212 VETASSESS
environmental consultant 234312 VETASSESS
environmental research scientist 234313 VETASSESS
environmental scientist (nec) 234399 VETASSESS
geophysicist 234412 VETASSESS
hydrogeologist 234413 VETASSESS
life scientist (general) 234511 VETASSESS
biochemist 234513 VETASSESS
biotechnologist 234514 VETASSESS
botanist 234515 VETASSESS
marine biologist 234516 VETASSESS
microbiologist 234517 VETASSESS
zoologist 234518 VETASSESS
life scientists (nec) 234599 VETASSESS
conservator 234911 VETASSESS
metallurgist 234912 VETASSESS
meteorologist 234913 VETASSESS
natural and physical science professionals (nec) 234999 VETASSESS
university lecturer 242111 VETASSESS
multimedia specialist 261211 ACS
software and applications programmers (nec) 261399 ACS
horse trainer 361112 TRA
tennis coach 452316 VETASSESS
footballer 452411 VETASSESS