So how is the new Skill Shortage TSS subclass 482 different from the old subclass 457 visa?
One visa with three streams:
- Short term stream
- Medium-Long term stream
- Labour agreement stream
Two different occupation lists:
- STSOL for a Short term stream
- MLTSSL for a Medium-Long term stream
PR pathway (subclass 186 – transitional stream)
Only available for those subclass 482 visa holders who are in a Medium – Long term stream and not available for those who are in a short –term stream.
PR pathway
Those eligible for subclass 186 – transitional stream must have worked for the same employer for a period of 3 years in the last 4 years as opposed to 2 years in the last 3 years (previous rule)
Two years’ work experience required
All primary TSS visa applicants must demonstrate that they have at least two years’ work experience in the nominated occupation or a related field. Such work experience must be completed while working in the nominated occupation, or performing tasks at the same skill level in a related field.
Labour Market Testing is compulsory for all occupations now
Every employer seeking to sponsor an overseas employee on subclass 482, needs to advertise available job position. The job advertisement needs to be running for at least 4 weeks.
English Language Requirements
There are now different test results required now:
- Short term stream IELTS at least 4.5 in all four components with overall 5
- Medium-Long term stream IELTS at least 5 in all four components with overall 5
*Other English language tests are accepted as before
Skilling Australian Funds
Standard business and labour agreement sponsors are still required to meet their training obligations because the Bills to implement the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) levy are currently before the Parliament.
Transitional arrangements
There are transitional arrangements in place for those who held a subclass 457 visa on 18 April 2017 and continues to hold this visa or a 457 visa or TSS visa at time of application or those who lodged a subclass 457 visa application on or before 18 April 2017 which was subsequently granted and continues to hold this visa or a 457 visa or TSS visa at time of application. Those visa holders may be eligible for a permanent residency under old rules.
Do you have more questions?
Please contact our Registered Migration Agent at UMBA Australia for further info. or (61) 450 337 334